Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
The Grace of Forgetting and Remembering Who I Am
I forgot…for a moment…who I am. Even though brief, that
moment seemed like an eternity. It was disorienting, frustrating, and even a tad
scary. That moment felt empty and, paradoxically, was also filled with
hopelessness and despair, and a strong feeling of death. In that moment I felt
hidden and unseen.
are living in a time where we are experiencing the death of a way of life that
no longer serves life or the earth.
we do not know how long this transition will take. We really do not know how
long the in-between time will be. We do not know how this transition will
impact each of us on a personal level. And we really do not know what is
coming. Death has always been mysterious to the rational way of understanding
and probably always will be.
during any transition process the key is being present and being a loving force
in times of great change.”
~Sandra Ingerman
Fortunately I have remembered, once again, who I am. Again,
I say, because you see, I forget who I am every so often. I forget when I let
the “out there” overcome me, blocking my “in here” view of the star-seed I am;
the star-seed I love so deeply.
Yes, I am Jennifer Star, a StarFlower SeedWoman. Yet even
with this name, I’m able to forget who I am during those occasional moments
when the transformation of my/our existence is so very strong and overwhelming.
Perhaps this is a human condition, a way to cope with the intensity. Gratefully,
there are guideposts along the way of my earth journey that serve as reminders
of who I am.
do not at all understand the mystery of grace - only that it meets us where we
are but does not leave us where it found us."
~Anne Lamott
The first of several recent guideposts was a
four-and-a-half-year-old girl called Svea. We met on a steam train. She is a
veteran of train rides. Her young eyes lit up and her voice overflowed with
excitement when I asked about and she spoke of her love for trains. Noticing
her physical appearance, I commented that she looked tall for her age, asking
the grandmother if one of Svea’s parents was tall. Yes, the father. But to this
Svea said, “I am perfect just the way I am.”
“Yes, Svea,” I said, “you are perfect just the way you are. And never let anyone tell you
different, ever, over your entire life.” Grandmother nodded in agreement.
This was truly a moment of grace, for which I am grateful.
us to our divine birth right, the perfection that we are regardless of who or
what we think we are based on our human experience. It is possible to be so limited
and stuck in our worldview that we miss the blessings of grace surrounding us
in every moment. We are not forced to accept these gifts; we always have a
choice. Acceptance of Grace, Love, Divine Intervention, Support, and Wisdom
happens naturally and easily when we are practicing daily gratitude."
~Cayelin Castell
—First reminder, in a moment of grace from the mouth of a
babe – I am perfect just the way I am.
The second guidepost was the coastal redwoods that have
grown and reforested clear-cut areas of the Santa Cruz Mountains that occurred
in the mid to late 1800’s. One can see the original stump in the center of a
grouping of “new” growth trees. What a blessing that this is the nature of the
coastal redwoods. Cut one down and many grow back from the roots. Not to say I am
in favor of clear-cutting any forests
– I’m not – but how fortunate to the land and its inhabitants that these giant
trees refuse to be eliminated, and in fact, return multiplied when their lives
are put in jeopardy.
is an energy; not a mere sentiment; not a mere thought of the Almighty; not
even a word of the Almighty. It is as real an energy as the energy of
electricity. It is a divine energy; it is the energy of the divine affection
rolling in plenteousness toward the shores of human need."
~Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893)
—Second reminder, in a moment of grace from the coastal giants
– tenacity and resiliency are my virtues.
The third and final guidepost is, at least for this go
around of forgetting and remembering, the very words I wrote for my intention and motive at the New Moon for
the 10th lunation in Virgo. Following on the heels of the previous
two guideposts, I saw and understood them from a different perspective:
The new form
The new function
To unfold and emerge
From the emptiness
At just the perfect moment
Unconditional love of Divine Self
Reading this with fresh eyes and heart caused me to
remember, again, who I am. Then grace arrived once more with the following
excerpt a friend posted on her Facebook page in response to the “International
Book Week” fun of posting as your status the 5th sentence from page
52 in the book nearest to you (bold
emphasis mine).
“But Pederucho and I were still passionately
expounding to each other, almost simultaneously, more for the beauty of what we
were both saying than the need to be understood, how the people, including the
(Maya) T'zutujil, had grown up hearing the old accounts that spoke about how
many occasions the fires of time had gone out before our time, the world ending
just like now, and how all the seeds that fed all the people and animals,
the same ones that feed us now, had been hidden in special places just in case
Time and existence after a time of excruciating torpidity and hibernation found
a way to ‘fire themselves’ up again.”
~Martin Prechtel,
in The Unlikely Peace at Cuchumaquic:
The Parallel Lives of People as Plants: Keeping the Seeds Alive
—Third reminder, in a moment of grace from self and friends –
Even though it may feel as if I am
hidden and unseen, I am a seed for the New Earth, waiting to unfold and emerge
at just the perfect moment.
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Invisible Life - Underground In every seed is a being - that being expands and wants to be born into the visible world - so it gets nourished by earth energies and light energies until the birth channel opens and the body shows up on the surface of earth beginning a new life and a new cycle of evolution. By Regina E.H. Ariel |
Friday, August 17, 2012
Magical Moment
I had one of those experiences occur yesterday that was magical, and alerted me to an action I needed to take, and when I did I knew I was to share my finding here.
The magical moment was a book falling off a shelf onto the floor. The book happens to be one I put together of my late mother, Sally Dunn's writings titled "Mother Soil." When I found the book on the floor of my bedroom I knew there was something inside I was needing to read, a message she was sending. This morning, as the Moon neared New in the sign of Leo, and following my own personal engagement with my lunar journal, I opened the book at random and came to the essay below. Reading the essay I knew it was related to the energy of this lunation in Leo, and so I share it here. The final paragraph of the essay sums it up quite perfectly, I'd say.
Warmly and with love, ...J*
Grief Was Second, Blame Came First
Ramtha recently said that grief bound us together. I agree that when I came into the school I was filled with grief. My mother had committed suicide when I was three-and-a-half-years-old, trying at least once to take me and my seven-month-old sister with her. I resisted, promised my sister to live and to “live for her.” After that, I spent my life grieving and living for others without a thought of what I wanted for myself.
Thus, through the recent release of grief I came to realize that something else came before that energy-lowering emotion. And that was blame, and it has been embedded so deeply in my soul memory that I could only see the grief which covered it over.
It matters not which scenario you wish to believe in, which resonates for you throughout your being. Is it Zechariah Sitchin’s tales, in the 12th Planet, of Tiamat’s rages over the children planets’ determination to have superiority over their parents? Is it the inward turning of the Creator in “I AM!” recognition of itself thus bursting forth new, conscious life? Is it Adam forced out of Eden because of Eve’s decision or a feeling of having been left on this golden-barred planet by genetic manipulators from other solar systems?
The first subtle feeling at being separated from the Source of Life would be blame, quickly covered up by grief and then guilt would ride along on their coattails. And those emotions would lead to fear and denial which would shape our lives seemingly forevermore.
Blame. It causes wars. It brings forth condemnation against neighbor, criticism for all others seemingly unlike us. It brings forth self-hate, for deep within us lies the innate memory of our godliness, our ability to create exactly what we want and not get lost in what others want for us.
It took my coming into Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment through the seduction of Ramtha’s love for me, the “Gee whiz!” feeling of identifying with something which was almost too big to be my mirror, to accept first my grief and then my blame. With a husband leaving, a community turning its back, family and friends who could not understand my changes or see them as necessary, with runners sent to me by Ram which served to awaken me I slowly began to see blame as the one thing in my life I must accept and ultimately own as having experienced to the max!!
I had to participate in the “I’ve already done that” mentality of the Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment students. We, or perhaps only I, turned our backs on families, friends, communities, jobs, hobbies, interests, places, attitudes, the past, because “I have already done that.” But had we really “done” those things fully conscious or had we been half or all asleep?
The only answers lie within myself. I get magnificent help from Ram, whose consciousness I now realize flows through me and from every person I meet, every drama I participate in, every thought I think which shows change from past thinking habits. So now I realize that “Yes,” I had done that but I could have done it awake. I could have taken responsibility for having created my illnesses, my dis-ease, rather than blaming them on relationships with my husband, parents, siblings, children, people – on life.
Oh, my. You know, once we get grief out of the way, whether it be at the imagined separation from Ram or God (they didn’t go anywhere away from us, we simply did not go along with them so we are the ones responsible for the separation), then we can get at the blame which lies at our nucleus like a poisoned apple. It chokes our evolutionary process and keeps us slaves to greed, abuse and neglect of power, hate, self-pity and all the illusionary thoughts which come from a feeling of separation from the Source of Life.
Have you ever noticed how the newspapers cannot write the word “responsible?” Obviously, there are too many letters in that word. “Blame” is far easier to write for it can stand alone, whereas “responsible” needs a helper. I.E. “The United States can take responsibility for helping to create the war in the Persian Gulf.” Few newspapers will print that long a sentence or even see the need for it, rather they will probably print something like this: “Persian Gulf war blamed on Saddam Hussein’s mania for power.”
Come on, guys. Let’s get beyond the grief that Ram says links us together. He is a great button-pusher because it is coming to the time when our brother won’t be found beyond us, coming through his channel, JZ Knight, but within us. How are we going to handle being Ram? Can we do it or, when his presence returns to the abstract world of the unseen, will we blame him, JZ, the world situation, our families, friends, selves ad nauseam until we go to sleep again, with no hope of further awakening?
Blame. To “revile, blaspheme,” to feel “futile, unhappy.” We shout and scream “Goddamn you!” looking outwards at the illusion of separation when we don’t realize that we are screaming at ourselves for feeling separate.
Blame is futile. It makes me unhappy. I have reviled and blasphemed myself unmercifully. Well, now, “I have done that” and I am fully awakened to having done that. I accept responsibility for blaming. Now I can see how many others are still caught up in that repetitive drama. I can compassionately step over them and move on into a happy, creative life.
You know, at the center of the poisoned apple of blame lies a seed. That seed is love. Of self. It was the beginning of our life as the Creator and no matter how far away it seems we get from that beginning we can return to it in a moment. It only takes loving self. That is our ultimate responsibility.
~Sally Dunn
The magical moment was a book falling off a shelf onto the floor. The book happens to be one I put together of my late mother, Sally Dunn's writings titled "Mother Soil." When I found the book on the floor of my bedroom I knew there was something inside I was needing to read, a message she was sending. This morning, as the Moon neared New in the sign of Leo, and following my own personal engagement with my lunar journal, I opened the book at random and came to the essay below. Reading the essay I knew it was related to the energy of this lunation in Leo, and so I share it here. The final paragraph of the essay sums it up quite perfectly, I'd say.
Warmly and with love, ...J*
Grief Was Second, Blame Came First
Ramtha recently said that grief bound us together. I agree that when I came into the school I was filled with grief. My mother had committed suicide when I was three-and-a-half-years-old, trying at least once to take me and my seven-month-old sister with her. I resisted, promised my sister to live and to “live for her.” After that, I spent my life grieving and living for others without a thought of what I wanted for myself.
Thus, through the recent release of grief I came to realize that something else came before that energy-lowering emotion. And that was blame, and it has been embedded so deeply in my soul memory that I could only see the grief which covered it over.
It matters not which scenario you wish to believe in, which resonates for you throughout your being. Is it Zechariah Sitchin’s tales, in the 12th Planet, of Tiamat’s rages over the children planets’ determination to have superiority over their parents? Is it the inward turning of the Creator in “I AM!” recognition of itself thus bursting forth new, conscious life? Is it Adam forced out of Eden because of Eve’s decision or a feeling of having been left on this golden-barred planet by genetic manipulators from other solar systems?
The first subtle feeling at being separated from the Source of Life would be blame, quickly covered up by grief and then guilt would ride along on their coattails. And those emotions would lead to fear and denial which would shape our lives seemingly forevermore.
Blame. It causes wars. It brings forth condemnation against neighbor, criticism for all others seemingly unlike us. It brings forth self-hate, for deep within us lies the innate memory of our godliness, our ability to create exactly what we want and not get lost in what others want for us.
It took my coming into Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment through the seduction of Ramtha’s love for me, the “Gee whiz!” feeling of identifying with something which was almost too big to be my mirror, to accept first my grief and then my blame. With a husband leaving, a community turning its back, family and friends who could not understand my changes or see them as necessary, with runners sent to me by Ram which served to awaken me I slowly began to see blame as the one thing in my life I must accept and ultimately own as having experienced to the max!!
I had to participate in the “I’ve already done that” mentality of the Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment students. We, or perhaps only I, turned our backs on families, friends, communities, jobs, hobbies, interests, places, attitudes, the past, because “I have already done that.” But had we really “done” those things fully conscious or had we been half or all asleep?
The only answers lie within myself. I get magnificent help from Ram, whose consciousness I now realize flows through me and from every person I meet, every drama I participate in, every thought I think which shows change from past thinking habits. So now I realize that “Yes,” I had done that but I could have done it awake. I could have taken responsibility for having created my illnesses, my dis-ease, rather than blaming them on relationships with my husband, parents, siblings, children, people – on life.
Oh, my. You know, once we get grief out of the way, whether it be at the imagined separation from Ram or God (they didn’t go anywhere away from us, we simply did not go along with them so we are the ones responsible for the separation), then we can get at the blame which lies at our nucleus like a poisoned apple. It chokes our evolutionary process and keeps us slaves to greed, abuse and neglect of power, hate, self-pity and all the illusionary thoughts which come from a feeling of separation from the Source of Life.
Have you ever noticed how the newspapers cannot write the word “responsible?” Obviously, there are too many letters in that word. “Blame” is far easier to write for it can stand alone, whereas “responsible” needs a helper. I.E. “The United States can take responsibility for helping to create the war in the Persian Gulf.” Few newspapers will print that long a sentence or even see the need for it, rather they will probably print something like this: “Persian Gulf war blamed on Saddam Hussein’s mania for power.”
Come on, guys. Let’s get beyond the grief that Ram says links us together. He is a great button-pusher because it is coming to the time when our brother won’t be found beyond us, coming through his channel, JZ Knight, but within us. How are we going to handle being Ram? Can we do it or, when his presence returns to the abstract world of the unseen, will we blame him, JZ, the world situation, our families, friends, selves ad nauseam until we go to sleep again, with no hope of further awakening?
Blame. To “revile, blaspheme,” to feel “futile, unhappy.” We shout and scream “Goddamn you!” looking outwards at the illusion of separation when we don’t realize that we are screaming at ourselves for feeling separate.
Blame is futile. It makes me unhappy. I have reviled and blasphemed myself unmercifully. Well, now, “I have done that” and I am fully awakened to having done that. I accept responsibility for blaming. Now I can see how many others are still caught up in that repetitive drama. I can compassionately step over them and move on into a happy, creative life.
You know, at the center of the poisoned apple of blame lies a seed. That seed is love. Of self. It was the beginning of our life as the Creator and no matter how far away it seems we get from that beginning we can return to it in a moment. It only takes loving self. That is our ultimate responsibility.
~Sally Dunn
Friday, June 22, 2012
2012 & Beyond
My friend, Sheila Hollingshead, wrote the article below which I am sharing here. I am in agreement with what Sheila speaks of. I also had a dream recently which I feel speaks to the same energy, just different words. Let me begin with the dream. This did not feel like a dream when it occurred, but rather, like waking reality, or perhaps a much more REAL reality. And it was not until I woke up that I realized it was a dream...
June 1, 2012
Moon in early degrees of Scorpio, approaching trine Neptune (my natal Neptune is in Scorpio)
Information is being communicated, through writing and images in a We'Moon datebook, that our current reality is out-of-sync with time (universal time, not clock time), and this is the reason for all the discord and out-of-balance elements on the Earth. With this information I realize/know that the whole 2012 phenomena is when we will re-enter an in-sync time. I contact Connie Kaplan (my dreaming teacher) to see if she has also seen and knows about the information. EOD
Much has been said about December 21, 2012. This date is the last day of a 5000 year Mayan stone calendar. Some say it shows the end of time and others say it is the beginning of a new era of peace and harmony. Doom or Transformation. So, which is it?
I am not going to go over what others have written or said. Instead, I want to tell you what I know about this event according to the energies involved that I have experienced. I became aware of Earth energy during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. I was asked to come to a gathering at 3 AM for assisting in the transformation of global consciousness to a higher energy. I knew little about this and said NO, because I had to work the next morning. However, at 2:45 AM I sat up in bed, wide awake. I took that as I sign to go to the gathering and did so. And so began my relationship with spirit, global awakening, and listening to my Higher Self.
Since the Harmonic Convergence I have checked the energy of the earth regularly with the pendulum. It has been slowly rising to a higher level each year on low positive energy. Fear, which is negative energy, has gripped the earth for thousands of years. Jesus came to bring LOVE and for 2000 years it has been a struggle between FEAR and LOVE, with FEAR usually winning out. But the time for change is NOW. Transformation means TO CHANGE and now is the time for that to happen. The energetic demand for transformation is affecting each of us, the earth, and the solar system.
ALIGNMENT of energy brings balance and harmony. Unfortunately, non-alignment brings the opposite. Global energy is mass consciousness, and is lower than earth energy causing a lot of distress within many. Gaia, earth energy, is lower than solar system energy causing distress upon the planet resulting in extreme weather and earth reactions. The universe is UNLIMITED energy inspiring growth in everyone and everything. So where does that leave us?
Our world is filled with fear inducing events constantly bombarding us thru the media, friends, and even family. Do not let yourself go to FEAR. That negative energy not only affects the quality of your life and body but also goes out from you to lower the energy of others, earth energy, and beyond. Instead, to raise your energy replace FEAR with TRUST because it is trust that transforms fear, and is the gateway to higher consciousness.
It is important to make the conscious choice to be positive in all that happens. What you think determines how you feel, what you say, and how you live your life. As you choose to go with TRUST not only do you raise your own energy, you also help to raise the energy of others, the world, our solar system, and beyond. It is your choice, moment by moment, and your positive energy is not only needed but very important to assist in the transformation of global consciousness into the golden age of Aquarius, bringing about peace and harmony in this world.
Alignment is focused energy and is the point of power. The alignment of the solar system with the center of our galaxy also occurs on December 21, 2012. It then goes on out of alignment at a higher energy continuing to exert powerful energy to move earth and us forward in consciousness. This powerful energy can be used to assist you in accomplishing anything you want to do. What you want to do is what you are meant to do. In fact, it is what you are here to do. To resist this energy can cause you great difficulties. If you can't do what you want to do, find and release what is keeping you from doing so. That is what my books are about.
If you want to know what your energy is now, go to MAKING ENERGY VISIBLE for directions to "see" your energy. The circling movement of the pendulum shows your energy, and you can also ask to see your energy for whatever you are thinking about or want to do. Once you know how to "see" your own energy, ask to see the energy of the earth. Is it higher or lower than your energy? If your energy is lower than earth energy, raise your energy by being more positive or finding and releasing the negative energy involved. If it is higher than earth energy, know that you are helping to raise global consciousness which also assists in the alignment with earth energy. Alignment on positive energy is the always the goal.
It is especially important at this time to get rid of any karmic energies keeping you on a lower energy. The higher your energy, the stronger those negative energies that are left behind can be. The demand for alignment is very strong at this time. It is important to recognize that any irritation, problem, pain, illness or injury is the expression of negative energy and keeps you on a lower energy. Let your pendulum be your guide to what needs to be released.
It is your negative thoughts about what is happening in your life that cause problems, pain and illness. Releasing the negativity involved raises your energy. The MAKING ENERGY VISIBLE book can teach you how to "see" your energy for anyone and anything and uses General Releases to raise your energy. The ENERGY THERAPY book can direct you to the exact negative thought that is the energy block and uses SPECIFIC RELEASES to raise you energy. It is especially effective in getting rid of powerful karmic energies.
A successful release automatically raises your energy. Raising your energy not only helps you to feel better and live the life you desire, it also assists in raising the energy of global consciousness. Global consciousness in alignment with earth energy is the goal for transformation of the planet to move forward to alignment with our solar system and cosmic energy.
I do not believe that December 21, 2012 will be any different than any other day. Some good things will happen around the world and some bad things, like every day. For you, what you THINK will determine how it is for you. Choose to be positive moment by moment to set the energy for how you are each day and what our world will become. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
The Dalai Lama was asked if he ever got off of his path. His answer was "YES."
Then he was asked what he did. His answer was "I get back on my path."
It is my desire that this page be sent on to anyone you think may be concerned or interested about 2012. I have put all of the information in my books available on this website for those in need of it. Each person who is able to raise their energy increases positive global consciousness and minimizes the difference between global energy and planet energy, bringing an easier transition to the energy of December 21, 2012. That date is not the ending, it is a new beginning for all of us.
~Sheila Hollingshead
June 1, 2012
Moon in early degrees of Scorpio, approaching trine Neptune (my natal Neptune is in Scorpio)
Information is being communicated, through writing and images in a We'Moon datebook, that our current reality is out-of-sync with time (universal time, not clock time), and this is the reason for all the discord and out-of-balance elements on the Earth. With this information I realize/know that the whole 2012 phenomena is when we will re-enter an in-sync time. I contact Connie Kaplan (my dreaming teacher) to see if she has also seen and knows about the information. EOD
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Mandala by Sheila Hollingshead |
I am not going to go over what others have written or said. Instead, I want to tell you what I know about this event according to the energies involved that I have experienced. I became aware of Earth energy during the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. I was asked to come to a gathering at 3 AM for assisting in the transformation of global consciousness to a higher energy. I knew little about this and said NO, because I had to work the next morning. However, at 2:45 AM I sat up in bed, wide awake. I took that as I sign to go to the gathering and did so. And so began my relationship with spirit, global awakening, and listening to my Higher Self.
Since the Harmonic Convergence I have checked the energy of the earth regularly with the pendulum. It has been slowly rising to a higher level each year on low positive energy. Fear, which is negative energy, has gripped the earth for thousands of years. Jesus came to bring LOVE and for 2000 years it has been a struggle between FEAR and LOVE, with FEAR usually winning out. But the time for change is NOW. Transformation means TO CHANGE and now is the time for that to happen. The energetic demand for transformation is affecting each of us, the earth, and the solar system.
ALIGNMENT of energy brings balance and harmony. Unfortunately, non-alignment brings the opposite. Global energy is mass consciousness, and is lower than earth energy causing a lot of distress within many. Gaia, earth energy, is lower than solar system energy causing distress upon the planet resulting in extreme weather and earth reactions. The universe is UNLIMITED energy inspiring growth in everyone and everything. So where does that leave us?

It is important to make the conscious choice to be positive in all that happens. What you think determines how you feel, what you say, and how you live your life. As you choose to go with TRUST not only do you raise your own energy, you also help to raise the energy of others, the world, our solar system, and beyond. It is your choice, moment by moment, and your positive energy is not only needed but very important to assist in the transformation of global consciousness into the golden age of Aquarius, bringing about peace and harmony in this world.
Alignment is focused energy and is the point of power. The alignment of the solar system with the center of our galaxy also occurs on December 21, 2012. It then goes on out of alignment at a higher energy continuing to exert powerful energy to move earth and us forward in consciousness. This powerful energy can be used to assist you in accomplishing anything you want to do. What you want to do is what you are meant to do. In fact, it is what you are here to do. To resist this energy can cause you great difficulties. If you can't do what you want to do, find and release what is keeping you from doing so. That is what my books are about.
It is especially important at this time to get rid of any karmic energies keeping you on a lower energy. The higher your energy, the stronger those negative energies that are left behind can be. The demand for alignment is very strong at this time. It is important to recognize that any irritation, problem, pain, illness or injury is the expression of negative energy and keeps you on a lower energy. Let your pendulum be your guide to what needs to be released.
A successful release automatically raises your energy. Raising your energy not only helps you to feel better and live the life you desire, it also assists in raising the energy of global consciousness. Global consciousness in alignment with earth energy is the goal for transformation of the planet to move forward to alignment with our solar system and cosmic energy.
I do not believe that December 21, 2012 will be any different than any other day. Some good things will happen around the world and some bad things, like every day. For you, what you THINK will determine how it is for you. Choose to be positive moment by moment to set the energy for how you are each day and what our world will become. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
The Dalai Lama was asked if he ever got off of his path. His answer was "YES."
Then he was asked what he did. His answer was "I get back on my path."
It is my desire that this page be sent on to anyone you think may be concerned or interested about 2012. I have put all of the information in my books available on this website for those in need of it. Each person who is able to raise their energy increases positive global consciousness and minimizes the difference between global energy and planet energy, bringing an easier transition to the energy of December 21, 2012. That date is not the ending, it is a new beginning for all of us.
~Sheila Hollingshead
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Global Waning Decay Cycle
(Originally written September 27, 2011)
This past equinox weekend had me contemplating once again the "global waning decay cycle" that I've felt very strongly we are in and have been in for many, many Moons and trips around the Sun now. Part of the reason my thoughts on this subject were sparked up is that I began reading the book, A Vision, by W. B. Yeats (1938).
One of the first excerpts that grabbed my attention early on in the book says, "What if Christ and Oedipus or, to shift the names, Saint Catherine of Genoa and Michael Angelo, are the two scales of a balance, the two butt-ends of a seesaw? What if every two thousand and odd years something happens in the world to make one sacred, the other secular; one wise, the other foolish; one fair, the other foul; one divine, the other devilish? What if there is an arithmetic or geometry that can exactly measure the slope of a balance, the dip of a scale, and so date the coming of that something?"
The second excerpt a little further in the book says, "Have I proved by practical demonstrations that the soul survives the body? ... Have I proved that civilizations come to an end when they have given all their light like burned-out wicks, that ours is near its end? ... or transformation?"
So, these pieces led my thoughts to the "cancerous" element that seems to be very prevalent in our world and especially the U.S. right now. Not just people dealing with and dying as a result of having some kind of cancer, but also the collective element of systems and governments and organizations that are cancerous. I was thinking that how cancer works, its way of being — its intention if you will — is to simply consume all the life of its host until the host dies, even though the cancer then dies too. This appears to me, then, that its survival lives only in the moment with no long range plans. Just consume. It doesn't seem to care or mind that it will die once the host dies.
On a collective scale in a global waning decay cycle, perhaps this is what needs to, or has to happen in order for the out of balance element of our world to become balanced once again; for the global waning decay cycle to fully decompose. Because the cancerous atmosphere can cause a complete death and transformation of all that we know now to occur. Nothing recognizable is left after the cancer consumes the host.
All this considered, I'm beginning to realize, and accept, more and more deeply that my journey here — in this lifetime — does not and will not involve seeing, witnessing, nor being part of and experiencing the transformed state of embodiment that I am envisioning and dreaming (sometimes this saddens me greatly). Rather, I am the StarFlower SeedWoman who, with all my soul kin, is seeding the way for the next expression of embodiment — whenever that might be. Yet, as seeds, we do not "see" the life that grows from us; we eventually become it, later on when the conditions are right for proper growth. However, the seeds are oh-so important now. They hold the answers, the blueprints, of what's to come. So I will work to make sure my seeds, that which I am spreading, are viable and pure — to the best of my ability in this lifetime...
I want to add to this dissertation on the cancerous collective element, the following quote from a Tibetan Lama:
"We die, not because we are ill but because we are complete. Illness is the occasion of our dying, but not the cause."
And this from the book, My Grandfather's Blessings by Rachel Remen:
"Knowing that a Buddha seed is present in everyone changes the way you see things. We are all more than we seem. Many things do not wear their true nature on their sleeve. What you can see and touch about an acorn, its color, its weight, its hardness, length, and width will never hint at the secret of its potential. This secret is not directly measurable, but given the proper conditions over time it may become visible.
"An acorn makes no sense unless we know that woven into the way it is made, there is something waiting to unfold that knows how to become an oak tree.
"Our essential humanity is defined by the Buddha seed in us, the capacity to grow in wisdom and the ways of wisdom. None of us are only the way we seem."
And lastly, this from the book, Dreams Are Letters From the Soul by Connie Kaplan:
"As an awakened dreamer, part of your imperative is to hold the vision. See the unseen forces behind manifestation, see the blueprint, the intent, the archetypal structure, the Greater Plan, and hold that in wonderment, amazement, and awe. Bring to your community the beauty of the vision. Hold fiercely to the divinity of the dream."
As a reminder of why the above dissertation is important to me personally, here is the description of Neptune in Unity (16), which is my natal position, from The Invisible Garment by Connie Kaplan:
“Your birth group came into incarnation with the imperative to teach Unity. You are an initiatory part of the great wave of consciousness that swept the planet in the last 50 years of the twentieth century. You are tearing down old systems that perpetuate separation: organized religions, racism, sexism and genderism, governments that override the will of the people, corporations that become top heavy. While at times it may not seem as though your message is being heard, because there are so many of you, the message continues to echo through the ears of people of good heart, and Unity will eventually win the hearts and minds of us all.”
And Scorpio 17 for my Neptune degree, with Omega and Chandra Symbols (John Sandbach):
Scorpio 17. Empty rooms with perfect walls and floors.
Omega Symbol: Manifesting/Sensitive
Degree Angel: LAUVIAH. Banishing the Remnants of Evil, Victory
When you create an empty space you make a place for something new to come in, and when you do this continuously you maintain a clear, clean place on which the mind can project its imaginings and thereby come to know itself. This degree has a gift for clearing out the past and for staying prepared for whatever is coming toward it out of the future.
The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “The mountain abode of a hermit.” There’s an ability here to operate at a remove, for obviously not everyone who has this degree goes off to live in the mountains, but all of them do, to some extent, create that abode around them so that they can do what they do without being so affected by the energies of others and the world of humans in general. It means that they bring a freshness to whatever they encounter, and help others to divest themselves of the mental and physical pollution with which they are always having to contend. How clear this mountain air seems to be, how refreshing, and how much its atmosphere seems to give us greater space and freedom in which to move, just as the empty rooms of the Omega Symbol do.
And so it is...
This past equinox weekend had me contemplating once again the "global waning decay cycle" that I've felt very strongly we are in and have been in for many, many Moons and trips around the Sun now. Part of the reason my thoughts on this subject were sparked up is that I began reading the book, A Vision, by W. B. Yeats (1938).
One of the first excerpts that grabbed my attention early on in the book says, "What if Christ and Oedipus or, to shift the names, Saint Catherine of Genoa and Michael Angelo, are the two scales of a balance, the two butt-ends of a seesaw? What if every two thousand and odd years something happens in the world to make one sacred, the other secular; one wise, the other foolish; one fair, the other foul; one divine, the other devilish? What if there is an arithmetic or geometry that can exactly measure the slope of a balance, the dip of a scale, and so date the coming of that something?"
The second excerpt a little further in the book says, "Have I proved by practical demonstrations that the soul survives the body? ... Have I proved that civilizations come to an end when they have given all their light like burned-out wicks, that ours is near its end? ... or transformation?"
So, these pieces led my thoughts to the "cancerous" element that seems to be very prevalent in our world and especially the U.S. right now. Not just people dealing with and dying as a result of having some kind of cancer, but also the collective element of systems and governments and organizations that are cancerous. I was thinking that how cancer works, its way of being — its intention if you will — is to simply consume all the life of its host until the host dies, even though the cancer then dies too. This appears to me, then, that its survival lives only in the moment with no long range plans. Just consume. It doesn't seem to care or mind that it will die once the host dies.
On a collective scale in a global waning decay cycle, perhaps this is what needs to, or has to happen in order for the out of balance element of our world to become balanced once again; for the global waning decay cycle to fully decompose. Because the cancerous atmosphere can cause a complete death and transformation of all that we know now to occur. Nothing recognizable is left after the cancer consumes the host.
All this considered, I'm beginning to realize, and accept, more and more deeply that my journey here — in this lifetime — does not and will not involve seeing, witnessing, nor being part of and experiencing the transformed state of embodiment that I am envisioning and dreaming (sometimes this saddens me greatly). Rather, I am the StarFlower SeedWoman who, with all my soul kin, is seeding the way for the next expression of embodiment — whenever that might be. Yet, as seeds, we do not "see" the life that grows from us; we eventually become it, later on when the conditions are right for proper growth. However, the seeds are oh-so important now. They hold the answers, the blueprints, of what's to come. So I will work to make sure my seeds, that which I am spreading, are viable and pure — to the best of my ability in this lifetime...
I want to add to this dissertation on the cancerous collective element, the following quote from a Tibetan Lama:
"We die, not because we are ill but because we are complete. Illness is the occasion of our dying, but not the cause."
And this from the book, My Grandfather's Blessings by Rachel Remen:
"Knowing that a Buddha seed is present in everyone changes the way you see things. We are all more than we seem. Many things do not wear their true nature on their sleeve. What you can see and touch about an acorn, its color, its weight, its hardness, length, and width will never hint at the secret of its potential. This secret is not directly measurable, but given the proper conditions over time it may become visible.
"An acorn makes no sense unless we know that woven into the way it is made, there is something waiting to unfold that knows how to become an oak tree.
"Our essential humanity is defined by the Buddha seed in us, the capacity to grow in wisdom and the ways of wisdom. None of us are only the way we seem."
And lastly, this from the book, Dreams Are Letters From the Soul by Connie Kaplan:
"As an awakened dreamer, part of your imperative is to hold the vision. See the unseen forces behind manifestation, see the blueprint, the intent, the archetypal structure, the Greater Plan, and hold that in wonderment, amazement, and awe. Bring to your community the beauty of the vision. Hold fiercely to the divinity of the dream."
As a reminder of why the above dissertation is important to me personally, here is the description of Neptune in Unity (16), which is my natal position, from The Invisible Garment by Connie Kaplan:
“Your birth group came into incarnation with the imperative to teach Unity. You are an initiatory part of the great wave of consciousness that swept the planet in the last 50 years of the twentieth century. You are tearing down old systems that perpetuate separation: organized religions, racism, sexism and genderism, governments that override the will of the people, corporations that become top heavy. While at times it may not seem as though your message is being heard, because there are so many of you, the message continues to echo through the ears of people of good heart, and Unity will eventually win the hearts and minds of us all.”
And Scorpio 17 for my Neptune degree, with Omega and Chandra Symbols (John Sandbach):
Scorpio 17. Empty rooms with perfect walls and floors.
Omega Symbol: Manifesting/Sensitive
Degree Angel: LAUVIAH. Banishing the Remnants of Evil, Victory
When you create an empty space you make a place for something new to come in, and when you do this continuously you maintain a clear, clean place on which the mind can project its imaginings and thereby come to know itself. This degree has a gift for clearing out the past and for staying prepared for whatever is coming toward it out of the future.
The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “The mountain abode of a hermit.” There’s an ability here to operate at a remove, for obviously not everyone who has this degree goes off to live in the mountains, but all of them do, to some extent, create that abode around them so that they can do what they do without being so affected by the energies of others and the world of humans in general. It means that they bring a freshness to whatever they encounter, and help others to divest themselves of the mental and physical pollution with which they are always having to contend. How clear this mountain air seems to be, how refreshing, and how much its atmosphere seems to give us greater space and freedom in which to move, just as the empty rooms of the Omega Symbol do.
And so it is...
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