Following are the journal writings I did that day with the truth that was spoken to me. Most of the journaling is written with the non-dominant hand, which accesses the right brain, or intuitive, higher self.
We started the days activities by picking out several SoulCollage cards from a deck that Lucia had made. SoulCollage cards represent a single energy, similar to a Tarot deck. Then we did free-writing and let the cards messages speak through our non-dominant hand. I picked five different cards and this is what I wrote...
We come from a center, the beginning place, that spirals outward from this center. It is multifaceted, individuation from Source. This Source is all nurturing, all encompassing, and showers its gifts onto us all. These gifts flow to all places; some paths are short, some long, some straight, some narrow, some wide, some crooked. This Source is all-seeing, and we are always the image reflected in its eye. The structures we build are our vision of Sources vision, yet the structures are like sand, which, any structure built from it, is temporary. Source is always holding our hand, and in that holding, energy is received and given at the same time. There is great joy and happiness in this sharing of energy, and there is also an innocence and trust like that of a child. Source appears to us in our dreams, and when we acknowledge and accept these gifts we awaken to the beauty and simplicity of what we often perceive to be complicated. The message from Source is to breathe in love, breathe out love, for that is what we all are, and in this pure form all things are possible.
We were then directed to find an object in the room that spoke to us and potentially represented the message we just received in the writing. I picked a sculpture of two open hands, then found a round ball candle to put in the hands. Then we asked a question of the object, which was written in the dominant hand, with the answer written from the non-dominant hand.
Q: Illuminated Hands of the Angels, the Spirits, Source, what message are you bringing me this day?
A: The message is one of remembering who you are by way of the love energy that created you. Strip away from yourself the limiting beliefs and “have-to’s” that keep you cloaked from the all encompassing energy of love. Allow us to give to you and illuminate the love we are, and thus the love you are. We are here to support you in the unveiling of your true center. Release identities that keep you stuck so that your true self shines through, allowing fluid movement to your journey. Trust in our presence, as we are always with you. We are part of you. You are part of us. Not ever is there separation. Only the mind causes separation. The heart, love, is always one.
Then we were directed to write with our dominant hand our associations to the objects message. I wrote:
I am very close to all of the messages and images that have appeared here. I am very grateful for the reminders expressed, and especially the love and compassion being extended to me. These gifts are helping/serving to make me stronger in a way that isn’t physical as much as it is me being myself, in that true center that is the foundation of this strength. I know that who I am, this being of love, has a solid yet fluid core that can always feed and nurture all my endeavors.
After the voice dialogue session we were directed to make a collage using the message of the card and voice dialogue. At the top and to the right are the two collages I created. The top collage, “Points to Ponder” was the first one, and the collage at right, “Soul Food” was the second, and in answer to the first collage.
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